Jumat, 12 Februari 2016

The Story of the Demon Brothers

In Ishgria, there were two demon brothers. One day, the brothers fought each other. When they fought, the older brother sealed away half of the younger brother's power. It was said that the battle caused a great destruction in Ishgria.

"I am Karon, the Heresy Demon."

"Do you have any siblings? ...it doesn't matter. I'll help you, outsider."

The brothers then agreed to reconcile, but then the older brother sealed the younger brother's power into countless crystals shards. Afterwards, the older brother then scattered the crystals shards around Ishgria, effectively "eliminating" his own little brother.

The younger brother was left alone, almost powerless. Resenting his older brother, he set off on a journey to find the crystals that hold his power. As he grew stronger after he uncovered some of said crystals, though, he started to question himself about his feelings towards his older brother. Even so, he kept exploring region after region in Ishgria to uncovered his imprisoned power.

As time passed, the younger brother's power had far exceeded the original limits of his power. It is believed the deeds he had to undertake throughout his journey to find the crystal shards holding his power only served to make him even stronger than before. However, having lost any interest in fighting his older brother yet again, the younger brother sought to leave Ishgria behind. Afterwards, his whereabouts was unknown until a certain Summoner called upon his spirit into the battle...

The older brother lived long enough to see Karna Masta descended into Ishgria and causing a great chaos to the land. After the Demon Lords of Ishgria, including the older brother, sealed Karna Masta away in Menon, he wandered around to protect the seals. When a certain Summoner started to destroy the seal, the older brother, who is known as the protector of the seals, also began his move to halt that Summoner from destroying the seals. He met the Summoner for the first time in Zamburg, where Summoner needs to beat him before they proceed to destroy Am Yunos' seal.

The second encounter with this certain Summoner happens in Fal Nerga. It is also hinted that the older brother met Lugina shortly before the Summoner enters the cave to destroy the seal in Fal Nerga. After Summoner and Lugina beat him, he flees, saying that he will see them soon in Menon.

In Menon, the older brother tells the Summoner to leave because they have freed Tilith, and thus, finished their mission. After he heard the answer, he said that he will wait inside the region. When Summoner meets the older brother in Padam (Thunder Area), the older brother remarks that Summoner has defeated Ark. Tilith boasts that Summoner defeated Ark alone, which leads to the statement that the older brother wants to test the power of the Summoner in a duel. When the Summoner defeated the older brother, he finally reveals various informations about Iria, along with a message Iria wanted to tell Ark.As he reveals these information, the older brother also reveals that he used to be just like the other demon lords of Ishgria, who only cared for power and nothing else. He also said that he even "eliminated" his own little brother in order to gain more power. It seemed that he regretted his action, sealing away his younger brother's power inside the crystal shards and scattered those shards around Ishgria.

"In order to gain more power, I even banished my own little brother..."

When the Summoner and their party moves deeper to the area, the older brother looks at their back and whispers that he finally could drop his current role as the protector of the seals. He also said that he finally can talk with his little brother after long time...

"Aaron... It seems that I can finally talk to you after a long time."

Rabu, 13 Januari 2016

12 Guardians of the Gods

There was a land where the Gods live somewhere in Grand Gaia. The native called it "The Land of Gods". This land is protected by some humans entitled "Guardians". At the time when the story began, there were 12 people, men and women, protecting the said land, and they are known as 12 Guardians of the Gods.

The Guardians of the Gods was led by Sodis, an affectionate man who wields a great power. His right-hand man was Zephyr, a magician whose power was said to rival Sodis himself. Sodis' brother, Alyut, also joined the Guardians along with Lunaris, the brothers' childhood friend. Raydn, Alyut's close friend, also joined the Guardians following Alyut.

There was a little girl who grew up alone in the freezing mountains. Sodis then took her and let her to join the Guardians. That little girl later grew to a wild young woman, Signas. Signas shares rivalry relationship with fellow Guardian, Ophelia. Ophelia was infamous for writing a diary that told us about the relationship between the guardians. Ophelia came from a small remote nation. Having lived up to the expectations people held of her in her village of becoming a perfect warrior, it is said she avoided getting involved with others. Despite this, everyone admired her outstanding swordsmanship.

There were 2 people who were in love with each other. They are Farlon and Ramna. Farlon was abandoned by his family after his single defeat in a colosseum, and Ramna was the person who warmed his heart. He treated Sodis as his rival, and held a strong ill-will to the leader. Ramna was a cheerful young woman, who was loved by all other members. Not even the self-centered Farlon could refuse her wish.

The Guardians had a marksman whose origin was from another world. His name was Grybe. Though his appearance frightened many, Sodis admired his kindness and strength and invited him into the Guardians. Though many opposed his entry, Sodis went along and appointed him anyway. The priests also opposed allowing a foreigner into the land of the gods for a long time. Even so, Sodis took Grybe and appointed him as a member of Guardians. There was also a girl wielded a spear. Honest and serious, Rina's faith to the Gods was very strong and unshakeable. Sodis often told her to relax for a while.

Luly was the youngest member of the Guardians. Born with great magical powers, her parents, who wanted her to use them justly, left her to the care of a priest. She grew as a strong girl with unstable mental health, and it made her often lectured by "Mama Lunaris". Luly was the descendant of a family that bolstered their power in order to attract suitable marriage partners to carry its bloodline. It was also said that the family chose their marriage partner very carefully in order to make a "high quality" offspring.

One day, Sodis found out about the Gods' plan to eradicate all of the humans, and he disappeared, escaped from the Guardians without any words to his subordinates. The Gods' labeled this as "rebellion" and ordered the rest of the Guardians to chase Sodis and some others who had joined him...

When Sodis left the headquarters, Signas followed him without speaking many words, because she trusted Sodis more than anyone of the Guardians. Luly then offered her help quickly because she thought that it was fun to do. Later on, some other Guardians were sent to chase them: Zephyr, Grybe, Ramna, and Farlon. Zephyr joined Sodis shortly before Grybe and Ramna came. Sodis then beat Farlon because the latter challenged him to a duel first. After he made Farlon fell unconscious, Sodis told the rest of the chasers about his reason to betray the Guardians. After listened to his reasoning, Ramna and Grybe then joined Sodis' side (Ramna had to take Farlon back to headquarters first before went to the rebels' side, though). Zehyr then left Sodis' side to collect more information about the Gods' plan.

After Sodis' betrayal, Alyut was appointed as the new leader and charged with the duty to vanquish the traitors, with Lunaris, Rina, Raydn, and Ophelia. Farlon later joined with the intention to kill Sodis. It seems that Ramna's betrayal had push Farlon's sanity to the edge. Alyut and Lunaris, meanwhile, still coudn't believe that Sodis betrayed them. It was said that Alyut was VERY angry that he volunteered himself to track down and defeat his brother, as he felt betrayed by his close brother. Raydn joined the squad too. Though he held much doubt in his heart, he couldn't help but assist his dear friend. Rina joined because "that was the Gods' wish", and Ophelia joined to face Signas once again.

When the chasers met the rebels, the battle between them was inevitable. Ophelia was engaged in a battle with Signas, but then Grybe prevented the worst case between them. After Ophelia listened to Signas (and Grybe)'s reasoning, she left to find the truth by herself, but then a disciple (Merodo?) killed her. In her last moment, Ophelia realized the whole plan of the Gods, but it was too late, as she finally fell, never to be awakened anymore.

Farlon, meanwhile, aimed directly to Sodis, but Ramna shielded the latter, and got stabbed by her lover's sword. Right before she closed her eyes forever, she whispered to Farlon that she loved him no matter what, and asked him to stay the same, as the Farlon she loved. This was the final trigger for Farlon's downfall, as he went mad shortly after that.

Right after Farlon killed Ramna, Luly approached the despairing swordman and mocked him, which led to her death as Farlon decapitated her. After he killed Luly, he quickly approached to Signas, Grybe, and Rina. He didn't care who was his target anymore, as the madness driven him, breaking his sanity. He almost killed Signas, but Signas somehow managed to avoid his attack, with her right eye as the cost. Rina then threw herself between Signas and Farlon, and she received Farlon's stab that almost divided her body in half, effectively killed her.

Grybe then rushed to Farlon, after he shot the sky with his cannon beam to divert his friends' attention. At first, Grybe didn't want to point his cannon to his comrades, but Farlon had killed Luly and Rina, and almost killed Signas. He had to stop Farlon, no matter what. He finally pointed his cannon to Farlon, and pierce through the latter's body. But Farlon managed to pierce Grybe's body with his sword, leaving a fatal wound that brought him to his doom. Signas, the only survivor from Farlon's downfall, then rushed to Sodis.

As the chasers met the rebels, Alyut confronted Sodis into a duel. As they clashed, Sodis tried to reason with his dear little brother. But during the fight, the disciple who killed Ophelia controlled Alyut, then attacked Lunaris to divert Sodis' attention. When Sodis blocked the attack, Alyut stabbed Sodis with his sword.
As Sodis died, his soul was left in a severely damaged state after losing his life during the battle with his brother. Regret, of not relying on his comrades and losing everything as a result. Regret, of having betrayed the expectations of the woman who had cared for him. Regret, for having taken away his brother's future. Hatred, toward the gods. All these emotions spiralled into a chaotic vortex which shattered his soul, giving life to a new ascended form. His cries and determination was one that surpassed time and space, reaching out to his friend in the future, all the while carrying the burden of his regrets and sadness, but not looking back at the nostalgic past.

Alyut, shocked and saddened by Sodis' death, finally realized that his brother was right all along, and he decided to inherit Sodis' will. Raydn was always beside him, never left his side. As they fought the Gods, Lunaris was taken by as hostage. Alyut and Raydn chased them, with Raydn separating himself midway to make way for Alyut, but then the Gods attacked Alyut, and he fell while lamenting his own foolishness, as those peaceful days of yore would never return. Hearing Alyut's cry, Raydn gave up and received the Gods' attack that took his life.

As Signas came, she witnessed Sodis' death. That was when she decided to erase her traces from the history. Afterwards, she began training a secret resistance against the gods. No one knows what became of her afterwards, but some legends claim that she volunteered to take care of the children who had fled from the wrath of the gods, earning her a reputation as the "One-Eyed Swordswoman".

After Signas gone to erase her name from the history, another member of the Guardians came, only to see the corpses of his comrades. When Zephyr found out that it was all over, he cursed his incompetency. In his despair, he was prepared to follow his comrades and friends' fates by charging into the gods, when he heard a voice in the back of his head. It was, without a doubt, the spirit of Sodis' voice, talking to him. After hearing the voice, he let out a bitter laugh, saying "You overwork me even after you die, don't you..." and, just like Signas, he began erasing all evidence of his own existence and he continue living by bearing the family name he once hated, protecting the result of his research that he summed up in a journal, and he swore that he would pass his will, along with the truth behind the gods, to the next generation.


Later on, Two Summoners (or three?) entered to Grand Gaia through the Gate, and they found the remnants of a certain journal written by "Akras Z. Muezel". Those Summoners then explored the land to collect the other remnants and brought it back to Elgaia so they could investigate it further. Within the journal, they found the truth behind the Great War. Those Summoners then decided that they would inherit the will of "Akras", then they established the organization of Summoners in Elgaia, called Akras' Summoners' Hall.

Early Days of Summoners' Hall

Shortly after the Summoner Hall was established, some potential members joined. The Summoners’ Hall led by 3 Summoners of Old at that time : Owen, Grahdens, and Warlon.

Some time after that, a former soldier from Randall Empire joined the Summoner Hall after he saw Owen’s fierce battle. And thus, Griff left the army and joined the Summoner Hall.

The captain of the expedition team and the captain of the Fourth Division, Griff.
At the time, rather than act on the front lines, he was training the newer summoners at the Hall.
- Grahdens -

Griff got promoted into a division captain, namely the Fourth Division, which means that he was only second to Elder Summoners. In the field, Griff often acted like a father figure for his juniors, including scolding his comrades while they are arguing.

There was also a woman who once worked as a civil official in Randall, and she joined the Summoners’ Hall after she proved that she was not a spy from Elgaia. She was soon promoted to be the captain of Fifth Division of the Demon Slayers.

Captain of the Fifth Division, Iris.
A huge portion of our information on Grand Gaia was compiled thanks to her.
- Grahdens -

Some time after the Summoners’ Hall established, they sent some of their members to explore Grand Gaia. Griff went to Agni and it was said that the red armour he wore was from the that Empire. Iris, meanwhile, no one knew where she went, but some said that she explored what left of The Land of Gods, and she learned about The Great War there. Additionally, it was also said that she preferred to summon the spirit of those calles 12 Guardians of Gods.

The captain of Sixth Division, Kafka, was once a magic researcher in Randall. She was a descendant of magicians, and she managed to decrypted an ancient magical script discovered in Grand Gaia, bringing a lot of lost knowledge back to life.

Captain of the Sixth Division, Kafka.
Highly skilled in magic, she even brought an ancient magic back to life.
Even though her personality was a little strange.
- Grahdens -

She was sent to Bariura during the exploration of Grand Gaia. She uncovered great amounts of research data left behind by the Empire. The data from the laboratory of a certain dark magician (Shida) was especially large in volume, and it was said to have helped Kafka become even stronger. Additionally, this knowledge, combined with the technology the Roa brought home, gave birth to the Summoners research lab. However, these two divisions often got into fights, and they still form divisions within the lab.

Kafka was infamous for having squabbles with her fellow Division Captain, Roa of Seventh Division. It was said that everytime they were arguing, Grahdens would scold them. If Grahdens wasn’t there, Griff would replace Grahdens and scolded them.

Captain of the Seventh Division, Roa.
His knowledge of otherworldly technology was incredible, despite his flashy appearance.
I often scolded him for fighting with Kafka.
- Grahdens -

If Kafka was adept in magic, Roa was adept in technology. He was also that kind of a person who liked to tease his junior, as Mifa said later in Rakshult :

As I was nervously anticipating what would happen, Krantz of the 9th squad said nice words to me, while Roa-san of  7th squad teased me. Kafka-san of the 6th squad would then insult him as the rest of the captains looked on in laughter. Captain of the 4th, Griff-san would then yell at the rest when the noise got out of hand…

Roa was a scientist from Elgaia, before he joined the Summoner Hall. His extreme personality  and firm personal beliefs caused a lot of conflict with those around him. He passed on a lot of his knowledge to his nephew, who was later addressed as his son. His nephew then has a son, named Noel.

When he was sent to observe Grand Gaia, he explored Atharva, and he found many objects left behind by Legendary technicians (Rashil?), and by discovering these and uncovering their secrets, his achievements are left in the records. A lot of the technology used by the Summoners’ Hall are the result of Roa’s research, and it also contributed to the establishment of the Summoners research lab, together with Kafka’s magic.

In early days of Summoners’ Hall, there was another person who was VERY serious, and came from a similar background with Paris. She was, like Paris, also a noble from Randall, and joined the Summoners’ Hall despite the strong opposition from her family. The difference is, that she was promoted (maybe) faster than Paris. Her name was Libera. She wanted to use her power to help peole, rather than simply being stuck in a group of knights which only served the purpose of gaining fame. Since then, even after being disinherited from her household, she continued to look forward and worked hard as a researcher, eventually rising up to the rank of captain of a Demon Slayers’ Eighth Division.

Captain of the Eighth Division, Libera.
She’s from the Imperial Guard, just like Paris here.
Not only was she skilled, but she also had a serious personality.
She provided me with entertainment, Just like Paris-chan does now.
- Grahdens -

When she was sent to explore Grand Gaia, she arrived in Vriksha region, and found out that the Four Fallen Gods are having a power struggle. Considering the fact she was in the land ruled by Afla Dilith, it showed how incredible her research ability was. It is not an exaggeration to say that most of what the Elder Summoner learned about the current situation of Grand Gaia was thanks to her.

There were also these two people who was best friends even before they joined the Summoner Hall. One of them was Krantz. His background was a mystery, but some said that he had a peasant background before he entered the Summoners’ Hall. After he joined, his talent increased significantly so he was promoted to be the captain of Ninth Division, and his friend became the captain of Tenth Division after him.

Captain of the ninth Division, Krantz.
A young one, brimming with talent.
I had high hopes for him, that one day he will stand at the top of the Hall.
- Grahdens -

But his talent came with a fatal flaw : he really HATES machines. Any kind of machines. Perhaps, this was the reason why he didn’t complete the report of his exploration of Lizeria, since as we know, Lizeria has this machine called “Defense System”. Even so, it was said that Krantz managed to made Lizeria as a neutral zone, means that Lizeria was free from the menace of Four Fallen Gods.

Krantz’s best friend was once loved by everyone because he was “young and cute” that time. His name is Mifa, and he was especially attached with Krantz, naturally. He often followed the others around, and shortly before a secret mission was announced, Mifa was promoted to be the captain of Tenth Division of Demon Slayers.

The Secret Mission was announced by Summoners of Elders. They asked the Single Digits to explore a land called Ishgria. Originally, Grahdens didn’t want Mifa to join the expedition team, because Mifa was too young for that. But Krantz strongly argued with Grahdens, and he claimed that “he will protect Mifa at all costs”. Grahdens couldn’t argue anymore and he let Mifa joined the expedition team.

Upon entering Ishgria, the expedition team were “welcomed” by the Demon Lords of Ishgria, namely, Shusui and a Demon Beast. Griff then battled Shusui, and he realized that Shusui and him were similar, they were looking for a strong opponent. Griff then left Krantz in charge of the team and remained behind by himself, standing against the Demon. According to the records, the battle between Griff and the Demon lasted for several days, and the fierce battle was said to have been engraved in the memories of other Demons. Even Shusui himself remembered about Griff, as shown in the last area of Celgrad :


Iris, meanwhile, caught in the battle against a Demon Beast with the rest of the team. Libera handed the investigation reports she had to Iris before she went to her last battle with Krantz, prompting Iris to escape from the battlefield. Unfortunately, she met a being who called herself a Goddess then she was also disappeared.

(It was unclear whether the ‘Goddess’ was Mora or other Demon Lords, since in Rakshult, it was revealed that Morderim was also took an apprearance of a woman. But maybe, just maybe, it is safe to say that Mora was the one responsible for Iris’ death, as she was addressed as “Goddess” once).

Libera, meanwhile, stayed in the battlefield with Krantz, Roa, and Kafka, but soon, she and Krantz got separated with Roa and Kafka thanks to another Demon’s attack (still unknown). After she handed the reports to iris, she joined Krantz in the bloody struggle against the Demon. Krantz, meanwhile, forced to made a decision as the Demon attacked and thus, he ordered Mifa to run with the report as he stayed with Rivera in the bloody battle against the Demon.

Roa and Kafka left to face the Demon Beast. Roa then suggested a breakthrough plan using a machine in a ruin when things went out of control, and let his comrades escape. Sensing that Roa was actually suggested a suicidal plan, Kafka argued and she stood beside Roa to help him fighting against the Demon Beast.
(Mora said that A robot in Beiorg killed the original ruler of Beiorg. Assuming that the original ruler of Beiorg is the EX boss of the land, then the machine Roa activated was…)

Griff and co died after their battle against the Demon Lords of Ishgria, leaving Mifa alone. He then wandered alone in Ishgria for years until the next expedition team sent to Ishgria as their attempt to rescue Tilith : Lugina, Karl, Seria, Paris, and Summoner Player, accompanied by Grahdens and Owen.

Currently, from later investigations, the deaths of number 4 to 9 have been confirmed, but only Mifa was unconfirmed.
So holding onto a small glimmer of hope, believing that he would one day return, I removed the records of the expedition team members and their divisions.
- Grahdens -

Warren, meanwhile, after learning what happened to the expedition team, entered the state where “he couldn’t battle anymore”, as mentioned by Grahdens. However, Mifa met Bertz some time before he met Summoner player and co, and Bertz told things that made Mifa blamed Summoners of Old even further.

imageMifa’s current appearance

Captain of the Tenth Division
He was the youngest in the team, and everyone loved him for his looks.
He was cute, following us around.
He was especially attached with Krantz.
I had not initially planned to include him in the expedition, but Krantz strongly argued that he would definitely protect him.
So with the purpose of raising Mifa through Krantz’s mission, I let him in.
Having faith in them, as their power at the time matched even that of ours, We commenced the operation.
- Grahdens -

At first, Mifa appeared in Wulgee, claiming that he will kill Grahdens and Owen. Owen almost hit him if only Grahdens didn’t halt Owen and asked if the barbarian in front of him is Mifa.

Mifa appeared again in Rakshult to tell some parts of the summary of Griff and co’s lores from his POV to Summoner, after Summoner Player defeated him once.

Minggu, 08 November 2015

Six Armors

Long time ago, in another world, there was a certain emperor who ordered a certain scientist to invent the way to evolve. The scientist's answer to the emperor's wish takes form as a research on a weapon that could boost humans’ physical ability. The result was a set of armors that possess the ability to evolve, known as the “Six Armors”. Each of these armors possessed different element, with one armor for one single element. It was also said that the armors possessed their own will, and responded to people’s, specifically their wielders, wills. It was said that, despite most of the “Armors” took form as “robots”, the scientist still labeled it as “Armors” because he made these robots as “guardians” according to their own judgement. The idea about these “Armors” was “the creations that could use their own rationale to judge who was worthy of protection”. The scientist also equipped them with functions that can strengthen them further according to what situation they find themselves in.

1. DUEL SGX - Dark Armor - Number 1
From DUEL Fragment’s lore :
….. Story has it that this fragment with the words “No. 1” carved on its backside belonged to the daughter of a prestigious household.
Duel SGX was the very first armor created by the scientist, proved by “No. 1″ carved on its backside, as mentioned by the lore above. Not only that, SGX looked very different from other armors. SGX looked more like a machine (not mentioning that GX’s appearance was the most simple, compared with other known armors) and its system was also… very simple, not as advanced as the Thunder Armor, for example.
Perhaps, Duel SGX was the “protoype” of the other armors that the scientist created. At first, he only wanted to make a test version of the Six Armors series, but upon the destruction of his homeland, the scientist quickly installed a program in Duel GX so it could defeat the Armor that destroyed the scientist’s homeland. (CODE_666).
Duel SGX then acted as Michele’s Guardian, and followed her as a faithful “Crab” until it activated CODE_666 during the battle against Melchio.
Proof that Duel SGX is one of the Six Armors can be seen in Xeno Melchio’s lore :
The Ten-Winged Tormentor who laid waste to the land of Lizeria. It’s identity was one of the “Six Armors” that was created by a scientist of another world. Melchio was destroyed by DUEL-GX, also one of the “Six Armors” and once completely ceased to operate.

Evolving condition : GX II evolved into SGX upon Michee and co’s defeat. SGX felt that it failed carried its mission to defeat Melchio, then evolved and chased Melchio to activate CODE_666.

2. Lafdrania - Earth Armor - Number 2
Let’s have a nice pic of Edea instead since she is the wielder of Lafdrania!!!
The fact that Lafdrania is one of the Six Armors is revealed during the player’s journey through Ishgria. To be exact, it was mentioned in Beiorg’s Water Area, since Beiorg had Thunder Armor as the final boss and thus, the scientist was also mentioned.
After Lafdrania arrived in Grand Gaia, it became an armor held and passed down in Palmyna’s Royal Family. This armor gathered its power from Mother Nature, which then increased the wearer’s vitality. According to the legend told by the previous owner, Lafdrania has its own will.

Evolving Condition : Lafdrania acted as Edea’s Guardian and thus, it bestowed the protection to Edea when she battled Cardes, and it even continue protecting her during her long slumber. When the ones known as Saviors of Palmyna fought Cardes once again, Edea determined to defeat the Malevolent God once again, but this time, together with her comrades, which then made Lafdrania to evolve into a great sword in orfer to answer Edea’s determination.

3. Reeze - Water Armor - Number 3
In previous article, I did write that I was sure that Reeze WAS NOT one of the Six Armors, but Alim said otherwise by showing us the Evolution Quote of Reeze 7* :
“My name is Reeze… Number 3 of Reis’ Six Armor series… A fusion of human and armor…”
Reeze was the scientist sister, who, according to her 7* Evolution Quote, got fused into the Water Armor, eventually gave her more power. She was also the one who made turned Lilith into a cyborg.
Reeze was originally a human. From Reeze’s 4 lore, we could conclude that she helped the scientist in making the Six Armors, and thus, as the scientist’s sister, she knows the theory of the Armors, which she used to integrated machinery to her body and to made Lilith.
As the story goes, the scientist sent a device to Reeze before he dived into the gate to Ishgria. The scientist sent the device to his dear sister as his way of atoning for the loss of her, who might have wandered into another world once she thought him dead. In the latest sphere from Reeze’s GGC, the lore is as written :
Based on the lore, the sphere is what the scientist sent to Reeze and arrived during the Great War. The “device” mentioned in the lore was actually the Water Armor itself. Yearning for more power so she could protect her comrades, Reeze wears the armor and fused herself with it, then she gained immense power to fought the gods evenly, with her humanity as the cost.
Reeze also made a journal about the Armors her brother created, as mentioned in Melchio’s Battle Armor (White Armor)’s lore :
It is unclear as to who was behind the armor, but according to the diary entries of a female scientist who came to visit the area from another world, there were six pieces of armor that had wills of their own.
Evolving Condition : Reeze chose to fuse herself with the armor after losing her friends in the Great War.

4. Tech Armor Beiorg - Thunder Armor - Number 4
Upon his arrival in Ishgria, the scientist continued to look for his Armor. But when he found it, he thought that the evolution of the armor wasn’t “good enough” and thus, he was disappointed. The scientist then built a lab in Beiorg, and with the help of the original ruler of Beiorg, he made a certain light robot, with the hope that the robot could help this armor to evolve further.
This Armor later known as the ruler of the land known as “Beiorg”, since it had killed the Demon Lord who was originally ruled the land. It was said that the original ruler of Beiorg gave the Armor same name as him, since he was very amazed with the Armor.
Some times after, a light robot found out the Thunder Armor and they engaged in a fierce battle. Thunder Armor then won, after it destroyed the light robot AND the original ruler of Beiorg. Afterwards, it continue to protect the land of Beiorg, until the Summoner Player appeared.

Evolving Condition : After Summoner Player beat it, it was recognized itself as “still weak”, and thus, it was about to activate EVOLUTION_MODE, but cancelled by Lugina, Seria, and Paris by using their respective SBB. Afterwards, it was about to use SUPER_EVOLUTION_MODE, but then got destroyed by Karl.

5. Melchio - Light Armor - Number 5
Melchio, also known as “Ten-Winged Tormentor”, was infamous for its destructive power. It destroyed its creator’s homeland before then disappeared through the gate. It actually arrived in Grand Gaia, and the first thing it did was laid waste to a small village in Lizeria, near its place of arrival. This made Michele went to chase and defeat him. During the battle with Michele, it evolved and knock Michele’s party in an instant. As told in Michele’s story, it led to the activation of the suicidal program installed inside DUEL SGX, in an attempt to destroy Melchio.
After Duel SGX destroyed itself, Melchio finally ceased to operate, but later resurrected as a monster and continue to slay its opponents.
Before Melchio was known as “Ten-Winged Tormentor”, it was a usual robot. But, upon believing that its creator had been abandoned by the world, Melchio then resented the world and classified the world itself as enemy. And thus, it destroyed the scientist’s home world, and proceeded to destroy Grand Gaia after it was arrived from the gate it opened with its tremendous force.

Evolving Condition : Michele’s determination? (First evolution), Lucius' interference. (Second evolution).

6. Vishra - Fire Armor - Number 6
In its lore, Vishra was labelled as “the armor that could curse its owner”. The person inside the armor was originally a knight who served Bariura Empire.  The life of the wielder changed drastically as he received the armor. His soul was trapped inside of it, and he was bound to fight endlessly, as the exchange of the great power the armor possessed. During the battle with Logan, the knight’s former friend, Logan’s stab made it regained his memory back. However, sensing Logan’s hesitation, the armor took control over the knight’s body and fled. It was said that the armor could fix itself and its owner. A fragment of Armor Vishra is implemented into Logan later by Shida, which then improved Logan’s power.
Armor Vishra arrived in Grand Gaia after it went berserk and killed its creator for the first time (the scientist came back to life with a special device he invented), which was the sole reason why Reeze chased it.
In the 7*, Vishra's wearer got his consciousness back, with thw cost of most of the armor's power, which has been extracted by Shida. The power of Armor Vishra is now dwelled in Logan, torturing the latter as Vishra's wearer chased him.

Other than the Six Armors, there are several things that deserves special mentions :

Nemeth Gear
This is the robot that the scientist created after he saw his Thunder Armor in Ishgria. He wished that the robot would be a worthy opponent for the Armor. The scientist implemented the theory he used to create Six Armors, improved by the knowledge of the demons of Ishgria. However, as Nemeth Gear adapting with the technology of Ishgria, it began to think that it will become the strongest, eventually made it forget its original role (to improve the performance of the Thunder Armor). Consequently, it killed the scientist who created it and evolved further as it went to look after the other Armors.
After Nemethgear found an Armor in Ishgria, they engaged in a fierce battle. But the Armor kept evolving every time it was about to lose, then soon after, Nemethgear was destroyed, along with the original ruler of the land.

Lilith was a weapon created by Reeze, in order to defeat Armor Vishra. Originally, Lilith was a home assistant in the scientist’s lab. Upon her arrival in Grand Gaia, Lilith was separated with Reeze. She was found by Rashil, who quickly put his interest to her, as Lilith was a “being from other world”. Lilith also met Dilma, who fell for her, despite knowing that Lilith was a mechanical weapon.
If the theory that the scientist implemented Water Armor to Reeze is true, then we can explain about how Reeze turned Lilith into a cyborg : she applied the similar (if not same) theories the scientist used to implement the armor upon turning Lilith into a cyborg.

Let’s go back to the scientist.
So, basically, the scientist was killed once by Armor Vishra, which led to the plot in Reeze’s batch. Then the scientist came back to life, dived into the gate to Ishgria after he sent the water armor to his sister, only to find out that the evolution of the Armor he created wasn’t good enough. Rather than upgrading the Armor, he created Nemeth Gear, and not so long after that, Nemeth Gear took his life due to an error in its system. Nemeth Gear then met its end in one of his creation too.
He also made some other Armors, namely, Melchio and Duel-GX. Upon realizing the destructive power in Melchio, he installed CODE 666 to GX. Melchio, upon realizing that its creator was lonely, classified the worlf itself as the enemy it must destroy, and it became “The Ten-Winged Tormentor Melchio” we knew. GX, upon meeting Melchio in Grand Gaia, finally activated CODE 666 to save its dear mistress, Michele.
He also made a magical suit that can turn into something else in order to protect its wielder. Not just that, he made a fusable Armor which then had been sent to his own sister, to gave her more power.

The Divine Ten

There are 10 Gods known in the history of Grand Gaia. These ten known as the Divine Ten because they possess more power than other gods (say, like Luther or Phee.). Four of them were disappeared when the Great War happened. The 6 remaining gods in the story are :

1. Holy Emperor Karna Masta (disciple : Feeva)
He is the God that Meirith had sworn to protect at all costs, as well as worshipping Him. Ishgrian Demons, according to Mora, addressed Him as the God of Chaos (hence Feeva's titles : Misfortune Feeva, Devastation Queen Feeva, then Cataclysm Empress Feeva). One day, He announced that humans must be exterminated because they are nothing more than a greedy race. Lucius then sealed Him in "the land forsaken by the gods", but not before Karna Masta used His curse to the humanity: the power to summon the heroes from the past and force those spirits to battle the gods.
As He landed in Ishgria, he went rampage and destroyed the lands in Ishgria, forcing the Demon Lords who resides in the realm to fought Him. But they couldn't defeat Him. At that time, Lucius' disiple came and taught them how to use Empty Seal, which then they used to seal Karna Masta in a land called Menon. The Demon Lords of Ishgria then acted as the guard of the seal, along with Merodo, who then resided in Wulgee and suffered from the poisonous miasma there.

2.  Lucius, the God of Gate (disciples : Merodo, Tilith, Ark)
Lucius is the one who guides the player through Grand Gaia, up until Atharva, before player defeat Him in Bariura. When Karna Masta announced the plan to exterminate humans, Lucius opposed His idea, then He sent the Priestess who worshipped Him, the Oracle Shaman, to defeat Karna Masta. The Oracle Shaman then went with her boyfriend, who is also the wielder of the title Oracle Knight, along with some other companions (Ruby, Medina, Rinon, Yuura, Dion), and her brother (Balgran) to defeat Karna Masta, but then Merodo captured the Oracle Shaman and sealed her away in Ishgria, along with the Holy Emperor. Merodo then used this to manipulate the Oracle Knight to kill the Six Heroes, who were the last hope of humanity.
After the Great War, Tilith was born with the power to manipulate the Gate, which then raised by Lucius himself to inherit His duty. He also assign Tilith to guide the Summoner Player to defeat Four Fallen Gods. Lucius actually wanted to become the only ruler of the worlds, and this explains why He banished Karna Masta to Ishgria. He actually wanted to destroy Karna Masta's curse because it could be dangerous for Him, but He saw the threat of the Four Fallen Gods as a bigger problem, so He sent the Summoner Player to defeat the Four Fallen Gods first.
Known as a kind god at first, Lucius is actually a cunning god too. He ordered Merodo to sealed the Oracle Shaman, and He also the one who lured the Six Pillars (Feeva, Tora, Kanon, Alpha, Tazer, and Kira) to the barrier He created in Celgrad and asked them to kill each other before He defeated the sole survivor. Feeva could see through this plan, so she waited until Lucius appeared to destroy them before she attacked Him with full force.

3. Creator Maxwell (disciple : Kanon)
Long time ago, Maxwell was betrayed and severely injured by Her own disciple, Kanon. Maxwell was the creator of the world, and wielded the power to create things from scratch. Maxwell is the first boss the player needs to defeat, despite wielding such power. Perhaps, Her power hasn't fully regenerated after the Great War because She exhausted most of Her power to defeat the Summoners who tried to contain Her. Furthermore, it's also possible that She hasn't fully recovered yet during the War thanks to Kanon's rebellion.
During Her time in Mistral region, She made a machinized gurardian, Juggernaut, to guard the Tower of Mistral, and has Abaddon to guard the Tower of Morgan. Abaddon introduced himself as Her disciple to Graham, but there is another theory that Abaddon is actually a demon who masked itself as a disciple.

4. Cardes the Malevolent (disciples : Zebra and Tora)
Cardes is presumably a God who ruled the Underworld, as well as the Commander during the Great War. He intended to invade Palmyna archipelago, along with his disciple, Zebra, and his "partners in crime", Luther and Phee. The First Princess of Palmyna Kingdom then journeyed to defeat Cardes, and she managed to seal Cardes along with herself in the place called "Spirit World". Long after that, while suffering memory loss that locked away His power, He has to accept the defeat once again in Summoner Player's hand.
Long before the War, He had another disciple, but then He banished her to Ishgria after Zebra told Him a fake story where she refused to be involved in a wicked ritual Cardes was about to perform. The disciple, Tora, was then banished to Ishgria afterwards.

5. Zevalhua the Supreme (disciples : Mare and Alpha)
 In Grand Gaia, Zevalhua resides in Agni Region, in the Tower of God in Mirvana. Zevalhua and Afla Dilith shared hostile relationship since they want to rule over the other's territory. Zevalhua was aware with Lucius' plan, but she couldn't face the Summoner Player with full power since She needs to prepare for a counter-attack with Afla Dilith. Known as a cunning Goddess just like Mare, She would do anything to lure Her opponents into Her trap. Meanwhile, Alpha, Her first disciple, was known as the man who prefers a fair-and-square fights. Unfortunately, during Alpha's match with Zevalhua, Mare injured Apha badly, forcing Alpha to retreat and then Lucius lured him to the barrier.

6. Beast God Afla Dilith (disciple : Zurg)
Afla Dilith has the power to assimilate things He has eaten to himself. This is why Tazer once chased Him, because Afla Dilith ate Tazer's friend. But, Tazer suffered a terrible loss, then Zurg helped him to runaway before Lucius lured him to enter the barrier. Afla Dilith knew Lucius' plan to become the sole ruler of the world, and thus He rebelled against Lucius and descended to Vriksha region. Lucius then sent the summoner player to defeat Him, along with the rest of "Fallen Gods" who resided in Grand Gaia.

7. Mythic Kulyuk (disciples : Averus, Zeal, Layla)

Kulyuk was one of the highest rank God in Divine Ten. Unlike the other gods, though, He saw humans just like He saw other beings, as equal thing. He judged and loved every creatures equally. Unfortunately, the other gods who wanted the extermination of humanity couldn't agree with Him. One day, Karna Masta called Kulyuk. Afterwards, the whereabouts of Him is unknown.

8. El Felice (disciples : Sherry, Soleil, Pamela, Lala, Mazelca)
El Felice was known as a benevolent goddess who loves humans. Because of this, humans deeply worshipped Her. She was especially respected by womenkind. Before the Great War, though, She perished after Her favorite disciple attacked Her.

First Post - What WIll You See Here

Introduction time~

So... hi, Ao here. I will write about lore compilations and archetypes in real life from the games I am playing, Brave Frontier and Yugioh, respectively.

The lore compilations in this blog was made after I did a research to connect every stories of the related characters, and cross-checking to someone who knows more about it. Some of them has been written in Tumblr. I moved them here so I can arrange the articles neatly.

The articles about archetypes in real life are basically about anything in real life that inspired certain cards in Yugioh card game. The source is usually Wikipedia. with some other sources I could find to support the validity of the article.

I guess that's all for now? I hope you'll enjoy the articles here~