Minggu, 08 November 2015

Six Armors

Long time ago, in another world, there was a certain emperor who ordered a certain scientist to invent the way to evolve. The scientist's answer to the emperor's wish takes form as a research on a weapon that could boost humans’ physical ability. The result was a set of armors that possess the ability to evolve, known as the “Six Armors”. Each of these armors possessed different element, with one armor for one single element. It was also said that the armors possessed their own will, and responded to people’s, specifically their wielders, wills. It was said that, despite most of the “Armors” took form as “robots”, the scientist still labeled it as “Armors” because he made these robots as “guardians” according to their own judgement. The idea about these “Armors” was “the creations that could use their own rationale to judge who was worthy of protection”. The scientist also equipped them with functions that can strengthen them further according to what situation they find themselves in.

1. DUEL SGX - Dark Armor - Number 1
From DUEL Fragment’s lore :
….. Story has it that this fragment with the words “No. 1” carved on its backside belonged to the daughter of a prestigious household.
Duel SGX was the very first armor created by the scientist, proved by “No. 1″ carved on its backside, as mentioned by the lore above. Not only that, SGX looked very different from other armors. SGX looked more like a machine (not mentioning that GX’s appearance was the most simple, compared with other known armors) and its system was also… very simple, not as advanced as the Thunder Armor, for example.
Perhaps, Duel SGX was the “protoype” of the other armors that the scientist created. At first, he only wanted to make a test version of the Six Armors series, but upon the destruction of his homeland, the scientist quickly installed a program in Duel GX so it could defeat the Armor that destroyed the scientist’s homeland. (CODE_666).
Duel SGX then acted as Michele’s Guardian, and followed her as a faithful “Crab” until it activated CODE_666 during the battle against Melchio.
Proof that Duel SGX is one of the Six Armors can be seen in Xeno Melchio’s lore :
The Ten-Winged Tormentor who laid waste to the land of Lizeria. It’s identity was one of the “Six Armors” that was created by a scientist of another world. Melchio was destroyed by DUEL-GX, also one of the “Six Armors” and once completely ceased to operate.

Evolving condition : GX II evolved into SGX upon Michee and co’s defeat. SGX felt that it failed carried its mission to defeat Melchio, then evolved and chased Melchio to activate CODE_666.

2. Lafdrania - Earth Armor - Number 2
Let’s have a nice pic of Edea instead since she is the wielder of Lafdrania!!!
The fact that Lafdrania is one of the Six Armors is revealed during the player’s journey through Ishgria. To be exact, it was mentioned in Beiorg’s Water Area, since Beiorg had Thunder Armor as the final boss and thus, the scientist was also mentioned.
After Lafdrania arrived in Grand Gaia, it became an armor held and passed down in Palmyna’s Royal Family. This armor gathered its power from Mother Nature, which then increased the wearer’s vitality. According to the legend told by the previous owner, Lafdrania has its own will.

Evolving Condition : Lafdrania acted as Edea’s Guardian and thus, it bestowed the protection to Edea when she battled Cardes, and it even continue protecting her during her long slumber. When the ones known as Saviors of Palmyna fought Cardes once again, Edea determined to defeat the Malevolent God once again, but this time, together with her comrades, which then made Lafdrania to evolve into a great sword in orfer to answer Edea’s determination.

3. Reeze - Water Armor - Number 3
In previous article, I did write that I was sure that Reeze WAS NOT one of the Six Armors, but Alim said otherwise by showing us the Evolution Quote of Reeze 7* :
“My name is Reeze… Number 3 of Reis’ Six Armor series… A fusion of human and armor…”
Reeze was the scientist sister, who, according to her 7* Evolution Quote, got fused into the Water Armor, eventually gave her more power. She was also the one who made turned Lilith into a cyborg.
Reeze was originally a human. From Reeze’s 4 lore, we could conclude that she helped the scientist in making the Six Armors, and thus, as the scientist’s sister, she knows the theory of the Armors, which she used to integrated machinery to her body and to made Lilith.
As the story goes, the scientist sent a device to Reeze before he dived into the gate to Ishgria. The scientist sent the device to his dear sister as his way of atoning for the loss of her, who might have wandered into another world once she thought him dead. In the latest sphere from Reeze’s GGC, the lore is as written :
Based on the lore, the sphere is what the scientist sent to Reeze and arrived during the Great War. The “device” mentioned in the lore was actually the Water Armor itself. Yearning for more power so she could protect her comrades, Reeze wears the armor and fused herself with it, then she gained immense power to fought the gods evenly, with her humanity as the cost.
Reeze also made a journal about the Armors her brother created, as mentioned in Melchio’s Battle Armor (White Armor)’s lore :
It is unclear as to who was behind the armor, but according to the diary entries of a female scientist who came to visit the area from another world, there were six pieces of armor that had wills of their own.
Evolving Condition : Reeze chose to fuse herself with the armor after losing her friends in the Great War.

4. Tech Armor Beiorg - Thunder Armor - Number 4
Upon his arrival in Ishgria, the scientist continued to look for his Armor. But when he found it, he thought that the evolution of the armor wasn’t “good enough” and thus, he was disappointed. The scientist then built a lab in Beiorg, and with the help of the original ruler of Beiorg, he made a certain light robot, with the hope that the robot could help this armor to evolve further.
This Armor later known as the ruler of the land known as “Beiorg”, since it had killed the Demon Lord who was originally ruled the land. It was said that the original ruler of Beiorg gave the Armor same name as him, since he was very amazed with the Armor.
Some times after, a light robot found out the Thunder Armor and they engaged in a fierce battle. Thunder Armor then won, after it destroyed the light robot AND the original ruler of Beiorg. Afterwards, it continue to protect the land of Beiorg, until the Summoner Player appeared.

Evolving Condition : After Summoner Player beat it, it was recognized itself as “still weak”, and thus, it was about to activate EVOLUTION_MODE, but cancelled by Lugina, Seria, and Paris by using their respective SBB. Afterwards, it was about to use SUPER_EVOLUTION_MODE, but then got destroyed by Karl.

5. Melchio - Light Armor - Number 5
Melchio, also known as “Ten-Winged Tormentor”, was infamous for its destructive power. It destroyed its creator’s homeland before then disappeared through the gate. It actually arrived in Grand Gaia, and the first thing it did was laid waste to a small village in Lizeria, near its place of arrival. This made Michele went to chase and defeat him. During the battle with Michele, it evolved and knock Michele’s party in an instant. As told in Michele’s story, it led to the activation of the suicidal program installed inside DUEL SGX, in an attempt to destroy Melchio.
After Duel SGX destroyed itself, Melchio finally ceased to operate, but later resurrected as a monster and continue to slay its opponents.
Before Melchio was known as “Ten-Winged Tormentor”, it was a usual robot. But, upon believing that its creator had been abandoned by the world, Melchio then resented the world and classified the world itself as enemy. And thus, it destroyed the scientist’s home world, and proceeded to destroy Grand Gaia after it was arrived from the gate it opened with its tremendous force.

Evolving Condition : Michele’s determination? (First evolution), Lucius' interference. (Second evolution).

6. Vishra - Fire Armor - Number 6
In its lore, Vishra was labelled as “the armor that could curse its owner”. The person inside the armor was originally a knight who served Bariura Empire.  The life of the wielder changed drastically as he received the armor. His soul was trapped inside of it, and he was bound to fight endlessly, as the exchange of the great power the armor possessed. During the battle with Logan, the knight’s former friend, Logan’s stab made it regained his memory back. However, sensing Logan’s hesitation, the armor took control over the knight’s body and fled. It was said that the armor could fix itself and its owner. A fragment of Armor Vishra is implemented into Logan later by Shida, which then improved Logan’s power.
Armor Vishra arrived in Grand Gaia after it went berserk and killed its creator for the first time (the scientist came back to life with a special device he invented), which was the sole reason why Reeze chased it.
In the 7*, Vishra's wearer got his consciousness back, with thw cost of most of the armor's power, which has been extracted by Shida. The power of Armor Vishra is now dwelled in Logan, torturing the latter as Vishra's wearer chased him.

Other than the Six Armors, there are several things that deserves special mentions :

Nemeth Gear
This is the robot that the scientist created after he saw his Thunder Armor in Ishgria. He wished that the robot would be a worthy opponent for the Armor. The scientist implemented the theory he used to create Six Armors, improved by the knowledge of the demons of Ishgria. However, as Nemeth Gear adapting with the technology of Ishgria, it began to think that it will become the strongest, eventually made it forget its original role (to improve the performance of the Thunder Armor). Consequently, it killed the scientist who created it and evolved further as it went to look after the other Armors.
After Nemethgear found an Armor in Ishgria, they engaged in a fierce battle. But the Armor kept evolving every time it was about to lose, then soon after, Nemethgear was destroyed, along with the original ruler of the land.

Lilith was a weapon created by Reeze, in order to defeat Armor Vishra. Originally, Lilith was a home assistant in the scientist’s lab. Upon her arrival in Grand Gaia, Lilith was separated with Reeze. She was found by Rashil, who quickly put his interest to her, as Lilith was a “being from other world”. Lilith also met Dilma, who fell for her, despite knowing that Lilith was a mechanical weapon.
If the theory that the scientist implemented Water Armor to Reeze is true, then we can explain about how Reeze turned Lilith into a cyborg : she applied the similar (if not same) theories the scientist used to implement the armor upon turning Lilith into a cyborg.

Let’s go back to the scientist.
So, basically, the scientist was killed once by Armor Vishra, which led to the plot in Reeze’s batch. Then the scientist came back to life, dived into the gate to Ishgria after he sent the water armor to his sister, only to find out that the evolution of the Armor he created wasn’t good enough. Rather than upgrading the Armor, he created Nemeth Gear, and not so long after that, Nemeth Gear took his life due to an error in its system. Nemeth Gear then met its end in one of his creation too.
He also made some other Armors, namely, Melchio and Duel-GX. Upon realizing the destructive power in Melchio, he installed CODE 666 to GX. Melchio, upon realizing that its creator was lonely, classified the worlf itself as the enemy it must destroy, and it became “The Ten-Winged Tormentor Melchio” we knew. GX, upon meeting Melchio in Grand Gaia, finally activated CODE 666 to save its dear mistress, Michele.
He also made a magical suit that can turn into something else in order to protect its wielder. Not just that, he made a fusable Armor which then had been sent to his own sister, to gave her more power.

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